Opening the Door to Quality Surgical Care
Working with Employers Nationwide
Surgical Management Solutions (SMS) opens the door to high-quality, lower-cost outpatient surgical care. Working with employers nationwide, SMS helps their employees – and their family members – connect to specialty surgeons in their own communities who help them choose the appropriate settings for their procedures. Surgeons in the SMS alliance regularly use high-quality ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), which provides the opportunity for employees to receive outpatient surgical care at potentially significant cost savings.
Built-In Simplicity
Healthcare is far too complicated already. SMS tailors to the employer’s existing health program to create a seamless and cost-saving experience for both the business and its employees.
Impactful Education
SMS is about inspiring better decisions, not restricting options. From the first encounter with an employee, SMS provides insights that equip the individual to make more informed, confident choices.
Broad Reach
SMS is built for meaningful results. On-the-ground relationships with an extensive alliance of surgeons and ASCs mean access for the largest employer all the way down to local options for the employee.
Local Expertise
SMS teammates are in communities where employees live, across 35 states. With surgical expertise and deep knowledge of the local landscape, they provide personalized service to employers.
Our mission is to simplify surgical care for all people by removing barriers, educating patients, and providing high quality care.
We are committed to outstanding patient care and clinical outcomes.
We do what is right, no matter how difficult, without exception. We say what we mean, and we do what we say.
We seek to exceed the expectations of patients, physicians and each other in everything we do.
We work together, helping and supporting one another to make all of SMS successful.
We take complete, personal responsibility for our actions and commitments.
We seek to relentlessly improve our performance in every area – clinical, operational, and financial – constantly pushing ourselves to new heights.
We create an environment in which all teammates’ ideas, perspectives, and experiences are heard, valued, and respected.